
This project was a general purpose wasm linker built for the Brisk programming language in Grain. It uses a custom ABI to link precompiled wasm modules into a single binary in an efficient manner, this project is not currently achieved but active support has died and the brisk language will be moving away from this model in V3, I am still very proud of the work I did on this as it was one of my first deep dives into the wasm spec and at the time it was the largest project I had ever written in grain and one of the largest projects in the grain ecosystem itself.


This program is a general purpose wasm linker built for the V2 of the Brisk programming language but open enough to be used by other languages compiled to wasm.

Current development state


Currently the linker works and is being used for Brisk but may not support all valid wasm files. The linker is not currently mature and may contain bugs so I wouldn’t use it in production environments unless you are willing to accept the risk of it possibly breaking.


  • Build Export Section
    • Only re-export the exports from main, but we do need to consider what todo with exports from other modules
  • Map Brisk Imports To Exports
  • Build Linking Info Section
    • Can almost just merge and order the Linking Info Sections from the incoming files, we do need to order and map the refs
  • Build Data Sections
  • Build Element Section
    • Handle FuncRef ELements
    • Handle Other Element Types
  • Get A Path Library so we can properly absolutePaths
  • Get A Graph library and handle sorting dependencies
  • Create a Program that can be used to take a binary without linking info and apply linking info, this is useful for linking with other languages that do not have native support for the brisk linking standard, issues with that still come with managing memory and cross language data types, this also allows for linking to generic wat programs
  • Sort the dependencies using a dependency graph
  • Build data section
  • Build Linking Info Section
  • Write Tests
  • Merge Duplicate Types
  • When wasm gets multiple memories and tables give each module its own memory and table
  • Consider using features from the component module system
  • Table Imports, Memory Imports
  • Use File, Graph, ArgumentParser library from grain - This should help a lot with stability and edge cases


Using the linker requires including a few things in your wasm file.

Language imports - Files to be linked require using a format of <MODULE_IDENTIFIER>Path Language Exports - Files to be linked require using a format of <MODULE_IDENTIFIER>Path Offset Global - You must have an int32 global for storing the module table offset

The binary format is

Bytes: [
  0x00, // Custom Section ID
  ...encodedString("LinkingInfo"), // Custom Section ID
  ...encodeString(<MODULE_IDENTIFIER>), // The Module Identifier
  ...encodeInt32(<TableOffsetGlobal>), // The Global Index of the TableOffsetGlobal
  ...codeReferences // References To The Places In Code which Need To Be Modified A Definition Of This is Below

The Format for codeReferences is shown below codeReferences include funcRefs, typeRefs, globalRefs relative to the function they relate to you only need references for these if they are in the functionSection

codeReferences: [

functionReferences are layed out as follows below

functionReferences: [
  ...encodeInt32(funcRefs), // encoded list of func refs
  ...encodeInt32(typeRefs), // encoded list of type refs
  ...encodeInt32(globalRefs), // encoded list of global refs


To build the program make sure you have grain installed and run:

grain compile --release


The linker can be used with most wasm runtimes supporting WASI, to use the grain runtime when you are compiling run:

grain "<fileIn>" "<fileOut>"

to use wasmTime run

wasmtime "<fileIn>" "<fileOut>"