Currently we have a lot of package managers, but there is no language agnostic universal package manager. It would be interesting to make one.
Some Details:
- Written in grain
- Language Agnostic
- Something makes a package manager language specific what is it???
- This might just be for things like customizing hashing or configuring linking
- Consider alternate linking styles
- maybe we fetch the local dependency path from the language impl??
- Package Source Agnostic
- We should implement loaders for packages
- By default we will implement a github loader
- We will also implement a local loader
???- wasmtime rust host
- git integration
name = "name"
version = "v1.0.0" # Using semver
is_package = true
version = "v1.0.0"
example = "*" # Overrides all versions
example2 = "v1.0.0" # Overrides v1.0.0