These are my research notes as opposed to highly polished published works, while I have tried to make them neat and tidy, some of these are still works in progress and a bit messy.

Hello! I’m Jake, and this is my knowledge garden. My knowledge garden is built using Obsidian and published using Quartz. It stands as a place for me to publish all of my research and thoughts, across a wide range of topics but mostly associated with programming.

Contact Me

My preferred method of contact is discord spotandjake, but feel free to get ahold of me by opening an issue on My Profile Repo.

How does this all work

I write my notes in Obsidian and commit them to a private GitHub repo as not all my notes are able to be public. I have a GitHub action that runs, a script to collect all markdown files with a publish: true front matter and commit them to my public repo for hosting with Quartz through GitHub pages.